Agility, Change management
How to create a persona in Design Thinking & Marketing

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How to create a persona in Design Thinking & Marketing

Whether you practice design thinking, want to tackle marketing tasks or work in an agile way – sooner or later you should definitely do one thing: create a persona!
Creating a persona will help you to get to know your customer better and thus tailor your products, services and marketing measures to their wishes, needs and requirements.
Here we show you our tried-and-tested method for easily creating a comprehensive persona, whether for design thinking or marketing.

Definition of persona

What is a persona?

The persona is a fictitious description of a person that describes potential customers, their circumstances, wishes, needs, goals and so on in detail. The persona is used in design thinking, marketing and sometimes also in Scrum. It helps you to define a typical representative, a typical example of your target group.


Target group


The target group

You are probably familiar with this: when writing your business plan or marketing measures, you are repeatedly asked about your target group. The target group is a relatively vague description of a group of people that conveys a rough picture.
Examples of a target group:
  • Women between 30 and 45 who live in urban areas, have studied, have children and attend yoga classes
  • Men between 40 and 55, successful in business, need to show success, drive an expensive car
  • Members of Generation Y, internet-savvy, flexible, multilingual, educated, party at the club at the weekend
Of course, these examples are only relatively brief.

The definition of target group

Wikipedia: “In marketing, a target audience is a certain number of market participants who react more homogeneously to communication policy measures than the market as a whole. Market segmentation is the basis for identifying target groups according to relevant characteristics.”
If you are interested in target groups, we recommend that you take a look at the Sinus Milieus: Here, social strata or market segments are described concisely. This is a basis for defining your own target groups.

Create a target group or persona?

In the past, the target group was mainly used in marketing. That is different today. Potential customers are increasingly being described by personas. This technique, which is also used intensively in design thinking, gets much closer to the potential customer: the persona outlines a typical representative of the target group. Instead of simply describing the commonalities such as profession, age, place of residence, interests and gender of all group members, the customer’s personality is taken into account.
The change of perspective is central here: the customer is not viewed from the outside, but is put in his or her place. This gives us the opportunity to understand the customer better and to respond to them more effectively. It is also interesting to look at your own offer and your own company from the perspective of the persona. That’s why it’s definitely worth creating a persona – or several.
And since you can make good use of a target group definition as a basis, it makes sense to do both: first create the target group and then the persona.


Customer alignment


Why create a persona? Total focus on the customer

The background

Our world is changing rapidly. There is even a term for this permanent change: VUCA. (The English acronym for changeability, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity).
Due to technical innovations, globalization and other environmental influences, we as a company and as customers are constantly exposed to change and have to react to it. And quickly. And we expect the same from our surroundings:
You’re probably familiar with the situation – you’re sitting at your computer, a program is making mistakes and you can’t work. So inform customer service via chat. – How quickly would you like an answer? Probably within an hour? Or even faster. That’s normal, you can expect that these days.
And if not? What if you have to wait a day and a half? Unthinkable! Then you will also get into trouble, after all, your customers also want to see results quickly.
Fast service is commonplace everywhere these days. And if the company doesn’t get it right, then just change!
And if you are really annoyed by the slow service, then leave a clear review or a bad rating on a corresponding platform. Bad for the company. If it had been quicker…
That’s what we all do, and of course your customers do too.

Focusing on the customer – why?

This means that nowadays it is extremely important for companies to be fast in order to be able to respond to customer needs immediately.
If your new computer program is missing some important features, then you expect the manufacturer to incorporate these in the next update. When you order something from Amazon, you expect it to be delivered the next day. And they also expect a quick response to business emails. – We are now used to people reacting so quickly. We have become more demanding as customers and expect that our wishes will be well catered for and that changing needs will be implemented quickly. And our needs do indeed change quickly. It may well be that we wanted something different just 4 weeks ago than we do today.


Customer orientation


The current status

However, it is not easy for most companies to react immediately to such changes. One of the reasons for this is that these companies are not geared towards the customer, but towards their own structures: there are often people working in decision-making positions or in development who are very familiar with their product, but are not really in a position to say exactly what the customer wants. Orientation is needed here. And what should the focus be on if not the customer?
Because if you really know the customer, their situation and their challenges, then you can anticipate developments and changes much more easily.

Total focus on the customer

All agile methods such as Design Thinking or Scrum, for example, therefore focus on the customer and are in dialog with them. This has brought about an overall change: the absolute focus on the customer. Here, the focus is not on the product, but on the customer – an aspect that was not so strongly practiced in the past.
What does that mean?
For example, if you are about to launch a device on the market, you don’t use an agile process to look at which features and options could still be added, but instead research which problems your customer would like to solve with the device – and which functions they actually need. The customer’s situation is then also the basis for a successful marketing approach.
Ultimately, this development is a win-win situation for everyone involved. Customers get what they need and companies can produce what they want much more accurately.
In the past, the customer’s needs were only determined at the beginning of a project or development process, whereas today we work iteratively, i.e. the result is tested on the customer at short intervals and the customer’s needs are checked again and again to ensure that even the smallest changes to the requirements are integrated into the result as quickly as possible.

What is the orientation?

But how to find your bearings? This is where the persona comes into play: if you have summarized the needs and challenges of your customer, their life and wishes in a persona, then the persona provides you with a compass that can point you in the right direction.


Persona Meeting


Create the persona

Creating a persona – what is it and how does it work?

For a persona, you create a personal description of a single person from the target group. This person can be fictitious, but it can also be a real person.
The persona includes all possible life circumstances, preferences and problems of the person described:
Where does she live? City or country? Terraced house, loft, one-bedroom apartment, villa, shared apartment? Is she married, in a relationship, divorced, single? Does she have children – how many, how old, what do they do? What and where does the person work? Where and what does she buy? What clothes is she wearing? What hobbies does she enjoy? Which people does she have contact with? What does she think and feel? What does she do on the WE? Etc.
The focus here is clearly on the emotional experience, i.e. worries & needs, expectations & wishes and the needs & challenges of the person.

Important: Pay attention to all aspects of the persona!

When creating a persona, first think in all directions, regardless of the planned product! It is important to immerse yourself in the life of the persona. And be as detailed as possible! Develop a true-to-life example of your target group! Get to know them well with all their needs, requirements and wishes. Only then do you start to design your product or service.

How do you create a persona?

There are many ways to approach the persona.
It is important to get the basics right first.


Research persona data


1. the basics: collect data and do your research!

At the beginning you want to analyze your market, your industry.

Check whether you already have data available!

  • Have a look in your CRM!
  • Perhaps you have customer feedback?
  • Ask the sales department!
  • Has your company conducted any surveys that you can use?
  • Do you have market research data?
  • Have relevant things already been discussed on your social media channels?
  • What topics are discussed in the comments on your social media channels or on your blog?
  • What motivates your customers?

Consult experts and studies!

  • Find studies and statistics!
  • Consult the experts!
  • The web analysis of Google Analytics gives you data on target groups!
  • The Google Keywords Planner can also help you: By looking at the keywords that are searched for the most, you can deduce which aspects are important.

Ask the people in the industry!

  • What are the current topics?
  • What moves people?
  • What problems are they struggling with?
  • What user behavior do customers have?

Ask customers!

  • Ask the customers you already have!
  • Ask specifically about successes, failures, challenges and experiences!
  • Ask the people you think are potential customers!
  • Use your social media channels!
  • Launch an online customer survey on your website, in your newsletter or on your social media channels!
When conducting customer interviews, it is important that you completely free yourself from your previous knowledge, assumptions and experiences. In the first step, the interviews should not be quantitative, for example with multiple choice, but qualitative. Ask openly and listen. Even if you think you already know everything, ask more questions. Try to put yourself in a state of open curiosity and really get to the bottom of your counterpart’s needs.

Target group description

Create at least a rudimentary target group description that summarizes the demographic data of your potential customers.


Cluster data


2. cluster existing data!

Start with the available facts and everything you have been able to research about the group of people and cluster them into important target groups with reasonably homogeneous needs. Of course, you do not have all the data on the person or group of persons.
Therefore, in step 3 you then add suitable characteristics and “decorate” the persona. The questions listed below will help you.


3. create personas in the team

Once you have a solid basis, it’s time for a team meeting.
The aim now is to narrow down who a persona could be and to add assumptions to the facts. It is important to involve as diverse a group as possible in this process, as this gives you many different perspectives on the person.

Step 1: Small groups

If you have enough team members, divide into small groups; each small group should create at least one persona, preferably more. Why? Because this is how you generate as many ideas or personas as possible.

Step 2: The whole team

If you have a lot of personas, get together as a team and present your ideas. Now it’s about filtering out the essentials so that in the end a few different personas emerge.


Team creates personas


4. relevant questions and aspects to create a persona

We have provided a selection of questions for you to work with. You do not have to answer all of them. In connection with your question, pay attention to which questions are relevant for you. It is better to answer too many questions than too few. A little more can’t hurt, after all, you want to create as detailed a picture of your persona as possible.
Of course you can still add categories!

Basic aspects of the persona:

Name and photo:
At this point, you should give the respective persona a name and look for a photo of what your persona could look like.
Yes, that’s right – a picture! Find a photo of what the typical representative of your target group avatar might look like.


Create persona marketing


Socio-demographic data:
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Marital status
  • Income
Working life:
  • Professions
  • Educational pathway
  • Skills and expertise
Geographical data:
  • Federal state
  • Circle
  • Village
  • City
  • Metropolis
  • District
  • Street
  • Location


Persona Marketing


Personality & psychographic data:
  • What goals does the person have in life?
  • Hobbies
  • Honorary posts
  • Memberships
  • What does the person like to do?
  • What does it consider sensible?
  • What role models does the person have?
  • What is her temperament?
Life and everyday life:
  • How does the person appear?
  • What clothes is she wearing?
  • How and with whom does the person live?
  • Who influences the person?
  • Where does the person live and in what kind of accommodation?
  • Who does the person spend time with?
  • What does the person spend time doing?
  • What is she reading?
  • Where?
  • What are your information channels?
  • What are your favorite topics?
  • How much time does she spend online and where?
  • How does she prefer to communicate?
  • What does she buy?


Design Thinking customer avatar


Everyday working life:
  • What does the person do?
  • What does it do in everyday life?
  • Who does she work with and in which employment relationship?
  • What is the relationship with colleagues like?
  • What are important topics in the company at the moment?
  • What methods, processes and tools does it use?
  • What are the person’s personal problems?
  • What challenges does she face professionally?
  • What does she want to achieve?
  • Where is it hanging?
  • What was going on last year?
  • Where are changes pending?
  • What does she want to change?

5. create personas: The examples

Before we started writing our blog for you, we did our homework and thought about who our readers might be. Here we show you two of our three reader personas.
These are very extensive. If you want to skip something, then read our examples at least until you know for sure where the journey is going – and then go on to point 6. What to do with the personas? The empathy map


Example persona Heinz


Example persona 1: Heinz, 55 years old, managing director

Heinz Heckmann is 55 years old. He is the managing director of a medium-sized company in Hanover. His company has 950 employees and manufactures electrotechnical systems in the field of industrial automation. He shares the management with his colleague Peter, who is responsible for the technical area. Heinz is the commercial director and has a management team of seven department heads under him.
The Heckmann family lives in a new housing estate on the outskirts of Hanover; they have their own house with a large garden. Two of the three children (21, 19) have already left home and are studying, the youngest son (13) still lives at home. Heinz’s wife Brigitte started working part-time again ten years ago. She now works full-time as a secretary.
Professional career
Heinz studied electrical engineering and graduated as an engineer. He has been with the company for a very long time and has worked his way up. When the then acting managing director retired for reasons of age, the owner offered him the position of managing director because Heinz had always been a trusted member of the management team. The employees and the managers reporting to him also trust him in principle. Only the owner interferes from time to time; he usually gives him freedom, but Heinz has to stand up to him again and again and explain why he is doing what he is doing. The company has had a hierarchical structure for decades.
In recent years, people in the company have noticed that the market is moving much faster and that a lot is changing in the industry.
Heinz thinks a lot about how he can change the company: of course he wants to take account of changes in the market and the environment, wants to increase profits and have a positive impact on his company.
He has read a lot on the topics of new leadership, agile leadership, disruption and so on. He is a little worried about whether his company will be able to change quickly enough with regard to these major global issues. He has already been able to bring about small changes in many areas: some processes are already paperless, the accounting is at least partially digitized, but his company is not really ready for the new times.
This is certainly also due to the fact that its workforce is already relatively old. Although it is desirable to employ young people, they have no real interest in the company and if a younger employee accepts a position, he usually leaves the company again within a short time. Heinz wants to change that. That is why he has increased the size of the HR department: they should take time for recruiting and, for example, advertise at universities to attract young employees to the company.
This raises the question “Are we an attractive employer?”.
Heinz is sometimes a little unsure about such topics. That is not his core competence. He is an engineer and later went on to become a businessman – but technology is what he does best.
He gets on very well with his management colleague who looks after the technical side. Both tend to focus on innovation, on the product, on the technical achievement. However, the last products did not strike a chord with customers and were not really well received. He thinks about what he can improve.
The future
He generally has the subtle feeling that something needs to change in the company, but does not know how to translate this into concrete actions. He realizes that there is dissatisfaction in many areas of the company.
A few months ago, he took on a coach who gave him strategic advice and told him quite clearly: “Heinz, you need to rethink your management style: something completely different is appropriate today, more employee involvement, for example”. Heinz takes this to heart and searches for answers: he does further training, watches YouTube videos, reads articles and blogs on the relevant topics. He is still unsure about what he needs and what he wants.




Persona 2: Corinna Stäbe, 35 years old, Organizational Development

Corinna Stäbe is 35 years old. Corina works in a two-thirds position, i.e. 30 hours a week, in the personnel development department of a large company with 18,000 employees. The Stuttgart-based public limited company from the mechanical engineering sector operates internationally. There is an urge to strengthen shareholder value.
Corinna is married and has a seven-year-old girl who has been going to school for a year. Her husband is a legal advisor at Daimler. The family lives in a terraced house in Filderstadt.
Position in the company
Corinna’s boss in the HR Development department is Rolf Kühn, Head of HR Development; his boss in turn is HR Manager Dagmar Zech. Corinna is responsible for organizational development in the company. She is allowed to suggest a lot, but unfortunately not to decide. She is very interested in finding out how organizational development could bring the company forward and is looking for new topics and approaches in this regard. This is welcomed by her two bosses. Fortunately, they are both open and want to talk to each other. There are often team meetings where everyone is invited to contribute their ideas; then we look together to see what can be implemented.
Unfortunately, however, the HR development department in the company has little influence. Top management does not consider personnel development and organizational development to be particularly important. In recent times, top management has occasionally asked about topics that could be taken forward, but nothing further has happened in this regard. Personnel developers are not seen as relevant to the success of the company, and are sometimes even ridiculed. If there is a lot of stress or an event is coming up where everyone has to be reached, then the department is requested for this special purpose like a service provider.
Strategic organizational development is out of the question. This would mean introducing topics with the help of top management and working on change processes. But the personnel development department has no controlling function whatsoever. As a result, many ideas on how the company could organize itself better internally fizzle out.
Corinna, however, does not give up. She continues her education and eagerly takes on new topics. For example, she recently acquired the Scrum Master certificate, even though her company does not work with Scrum at all. She completed this further training at her own expense. You never know what will happen next and if it does, you should be prepared, she believes. If things don’t progress here at the company, she may one day move to another company.
She is particularly interested in the topic of “agile”. She reads everything she can find on the topics of agility, agile methods and agile leadership, much of it online in the evenings.

Articles on the topic of agility

If you are interested in reading more about agility, take a look at the following articles:

6 What to do with the personas? The empathy map

Empathy Maps

Once you have created a persona, you can already see the person relatively accurately in front of you. Now go one step further:
You take a look around the persona’s life and see what challenges they face in everyday life. Perhaps you have already considered this when creating the persona – wonderful! Then delve even deeper now.
An empathy map is a simple visual representation with six fields to fill in. The Empathy Map asks questions so that you can better empathize with the situation, life and emotional world of the customer avatar. You have already answered some of the questions here using our method.


Empathy Map


The 6 fields of the Empathy Map

  1. Vision/perception:
    What is the persona’s situation?
    Who are her friends and colleagues?
    What is the private and professional environment like?
    What comparable products/services are available on the market?
  2. Hearing/influences: What does she listen to?
    What do friends and colleagues say, what does the boss say?
    Who else has influence on the persona’s decisions?
    What does she read or listen to on the subject?
  3. Action level: What does it say? What does it do?
    How does the persona appear in public?
    Own appearance?
    Dealing with others?
    Viewpoints and opinions?
    Statements related to the topic?
  4. Inner experience: What does she think and feel?
    Values – what is really important?
    What issues does the persona deal with?
    What criticisms, doubts, demands does she have?
  5. Pain: Where does it hurt?
  6. Gain/ target: Where do you want to go?


Team Persona Design Thinking


Pain and Gain

Since we already know a lot about the persona, we will concentrate here on pain and gain.
  • Where exactly does the shoe pinch?
  • What problems does the persona have?
  • What bothers them?
  • What should it change?
  • Where does she need help?
  • What does the person want to achieve?
  • What wishes, needs and desires lie behind them and drive them?

Aim of the empathy map

And of course you can then ask yourself:
  • What solutions to the persona’s problems can you offer with your product or service?
  • How does this help the person to fulfill their underlying needs?
  • What drives the person to use your product/service?


Create a persona


7. relevant questions and aspects to create a persona

Thought in the direction of your product/service

Let’s take a look at a few more product-related questions that will help you to put yourself even further into your customer avatar.
Reference to product/service
  • What are the challenges that the person has to overcome here?
  • What does she find difficult?
  • How does it make her feel?
  • What does it want to achieve with the product/service?
  • How would she like to feel?
  • What worries and frightens the person? What concerns does she have?
  • How and where does the person obtain information?
  • What helps the person with their problems, challenges, difficulties?
  • How can it also achieve the underlying goals?
  • What would be ideal solutions and what are their factors?
  • What feelings are associated with this? What inspires? What is unsettling?
  • How could expectations be exceeded?
  • Where does the person stand on the security-freedom axis?
  • What does the person expect from a purchase? (Possible factors are e.g. design, image, quality & durability, usability etc.)
  • What feelings does she want to achieve?
Purchase decisions
  • What information does the person need to make positive purchasing decisions?
  • Where does she buy?
  • How does it pay?
  • Are there any negative experiences? Which ones?
  • Does the person tend to buy spontaneously or deliberately?
  • Who else has influence on the decision? (partner, boss etc.)
  • What bothers them?
  • What could stop the person from buying?
  • Are there any doubts or uncertainties? Which ones?
  • What are the counterarguments?
  • How can the person be picked up emotionally?

8. examples of empathy maps

Let’s now take a look at the Pain & Gain areas of the empathy maps of our example personas.

Heinz Heckmann’s empathy map


Persona Pain


Pain / what doesn’t work for Heinz:
Heinz has a big problem: a lack of staff. There is a lack of employees and no new ones want to be found. Younger people in particular seem to steer clear of Heinz’ company. If he does catch a fish in the net, it is only a matter of time before the new employee leaves again. Something doesn’t seem right.
In general, the mood in the company is not so great: he keeps hearing that his employees are unhappy. However, he is also dissatisfied: his employees are constantly asking questions instead of making decisions themselves; on the whole, they seem to be relatively independent. That stops the business. There are also not many innovations any more. Somehow the air is out.
And then there are the sales figures! They haven’t been so rosy for a while now. They have already gone back and Heinz is worried that it might stay that way or even get worse.
The world is changing – Heinz realizes this and is aware that he is anything but up to date. But how is he supposed to keep up? He doesn’t have time for that; there is enough to do. He fears that he will soon be old news…
Ultimately, Heinz needs help to keep his company successful in the new world.


Persona Gain


Gain / what Heinz wants:
Naturally, Heinz wants his company to do well – on several levels: He wants to generate good figures for the owner, i.e. a good return on investment. It is also important to him that his employees enjoy working for the company and are motivated. And yes, of course he wants to look good as managing director.
He wants to steer everything in a calm direction so that order returns. He has nothing against taking credit for something that someone else has helped him with. Because basically everything can be a little less: Heinz is already 55, and he’s really worked hard in recent years. He doesn’t want to have to work so hard anymore.

Corinna Stäbe’s empathy map

Pain / what’s not working for Corinna:
Corinna is not really heard in the company, at least not by top management. She wants information that is well-founded and goes deeper, so that she can score points with top management at the crucial moment, for which she needs background knowledge, technical terms and examples.
Due to work and family, she doesn’t have much time for self-study. She usually sits and reads for a while in the evening, even if she is already exhausted from the day. In order to motivate their tired minds to absorb information, it must be well structured and presented in an interesting way. Dry specialist literature tends to encourage them to doze off late at night. The reading must therefore be both light and substantial – and well portioned. She is also always happy to read something new.


Persona Pain Gain


Gain / what Corinna wants:
Corinna wants to be up to date. She always wants new, fresh information to keep her on the ball; in addition to clarity, it should also have entertainment value. She wants to enjoy reading the information and not have to struggle through it.
She also wants to look good in front of her colleagues. Her goal is for her department to be successful, to suggest the right things that will lead to success. She wants to move her department forward so that it is valued by top management, which in turn seeks advice from her department – and of course finds it.
But that’s not all: it’s also important for Corina to develop personally. She wants to move with the times. Above all, she wants to keep her options open: If her department continues to remain below the radar of top management and the company continues to take slow steps, Corinna wants to change jobs in the long term. At the latest when her daughter is older, she plans to take her career up a notch. To do this, it naturally wants to be permanently up to date with the latest developments and, moreover, to have demonstrably trained well in the meantime.
In short: she wants to excel as a top specialist and gain recognition, success and career options.
Without creating these personas, we would probably have just started writing. Neither our topics nor the way we addressed you might have suited you, dear reader.


Customer avatar


  1. Customer avatars and real people

One thing should not be forgotten: the real people who are ultimately represented by your persona. Keep your eyes and ears open! Whenever you can learn something from potential customers, from their own mouths or pens, include this in your persona considerations. Keep an open mind and listen to your potential customers at every stage of personnel development!
Try as best you can to match your personas with real people. It is unlikely that the persona you have written will fit a real customer exactly, but it should at least be close to the reality of their life!

How many personas are needed?

In most cases, it is sufficient to create three personas. There are certainly complex situations that require up to five personas, but there should be no more. The less the better. Don’t get bogged down!
It is important to find out the challenges and motivations of the majority of your potential customers. It is not necessary to go into every niche or special feature. That would only distract you. After all, the aim is to create a clear picture.
Find the most important needs!


Implement persona


How to implement personas in everyday life?

The most effective way to always have your customer avatar present during your next steps is very simple: hang the profiles of your personas above your desk, in your workspace or simply where you always look at them.
Of course, the same also applies to your company: To get your employees used to working with personas, you should ideally have involved them in the development process; at the very least, you should have discussed the personas and their wishes and goals with them in detail. Once everyone is clear about what a persona is and what it means for further work – namely maximum customer orientation – you should ensure that the profiles of the customer avatars are displayed in relevant places throughout the company. So at least they are physically present. This will get your employees used to the personas and make it easier for them to continue working with them.

The benefits of personas

Alan Cooper developed the method of personnel development in the 1980s to help companies understand the motivations, challenges and needs of their target groups. Because once you understand your potential customers, you have already gained a great deal – whether in development or sales!

Personas in the development process / design thinking

If you are currently in a development process, for example if you are working on a project with design thinking or other agile methods, you will initially have the persona as a guide. But there’s more to it than that: testers can put themselves in the persona’s shoes and try out what you have developed through the customer’s eyes, so to speak. This allows you to approach your product or service from the customer’s perspective.
However, remember that it is also important to compare your results with real potential customers and get their opinion! Use the persona as a guide and compare your results with real people whenever possible!


Design thinking process


Personas in marketing

The benefits of personas in marketing are obvious: once you have intensively explored what moves the persona, what is really important to them and, above all, on which channels and with which approach you can best reach them, then you are ideally equipped to communicate with your target group.

Innovation potential through the use of personas

Another benefit that is often overlooked is that working with personas, i.e. exploring the life and experience of a potential customer, can drive innovation in the team enormously. On the way to becoming a persona, you can often think of a number of other challenges – and possibly also their solutions. This creates the basis for further products or services.


Here we briefly introduce you to a few tools that will help you create a persona.
  • If you are looking for relevant data at the very beginning of persona development, SurveyMonkey can be a helpful tool for you: you can ask individual questions and research your market.
  • There is an app for creating the basics of a persona quickly and easily: personapp.


In marketing, the development of a persona opens up communication channels, tonality and, above all, what motivates people to buy.
In design thinking, the persona creation phase is used to get very close to the wishes, needs, pains and gains of a target person in preparation for an innovation process. From there, the product, service or solution can be further developed in a much more customer-oriented way. This significantly increases the probability of success for the customer with the corresponding product! That’s why Design Thinking takes the right amount of time to create a persona. And that’s exactly what you should do! After all, the customer is king.
If you would like support in the area of design thinking or other agile topics – please contact us!

Online collaboration

In pandemic times, we are all working with as little personal contact as possible: Video conferences and Zoom meetings are the order of the day. Design thinking is a great way to collaborate virtually: With an online meeting tool and online whiteboards. We’ve been doing this for a while now.

Many customers have asked us questions about this:

  • How does Zoom work?
  • What alternatives are there?
  • Which ones are good and fit our requirements?
  • How do we design online meetings that are fun instead of boring?
  • How does the technology work? What do I need at all?
  • Which online whiteboards are suitable for virtual collaboration?
  • What tasks can we actually use online tools for?

We answer these questions – and many more – in detail in our article

Zoom Meeting & video conferencing: How it works, alternatives, tips


Further reading

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The authors

Rene_Templin - 550x550
René Templin
BT_Annika0011 HG web
Annika Semmer
Oliver Grätsch
Michelle 550
Michelle Templin
Christian Grätsch
Matthias Beikert
Susanne Grätsch
Monika Bt 550x550
Monika Steininger
Kai Hübner
Philipp Andresen 500x550
Philipp Andresen
Dr. Claudia Schmidt
Inga Kühn
Kassandra Knebel
Claudia Lehmann
Anna Isabell Arendt
Sandra 550
Sandra Kaul

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