Company growth: Recognize in good time that you should act.

Company growth: Recognize in good time that you should act. Many companies are growing successfully. But then comes a phase in which the company’s growth stagnates, costs become too high and both customers and successes fail to materialize. To prevent this from happening, it makes sense to consider which growth phase your company is currently […]
Recruiting is going digital – impact on the future of recruiters

The digitalization of the recruiting What impact will it have on the future of recruiters? Digitalization is advancing in leaps and bounds. We already know today that many professions will no longer exist in a few years’ time. Employees are worried about their professional future – but what about the people who hire the employees, […]
Recruiting: How we found the perfect employee.

The recruiting experience report by Mr. Michael Mayer, Managing Director of Mayer Ingenieure GmbH. Mayer Ingenieure GmbH in Böblingen specializes in renovation in municipal civil engineering and road construction, i.e. it supports municipalities in the long-term safeguarding of roads, sewers and water pipes. Managing Director Michael Mayer was kind enough to share his experience in […]
How to overcome growth crises with change management

Help with growth crises in companies Typical issues that need to be addressed in growing companies Your company is growing fast and is successful – but suddenly things just aren’t moving forward? Are your employees’ workloads constantly increasing, is the atmosphere in the company deteriorating, are customers dissatisfied, are conflicts the order of the day? […]
Company growth: How our customer overcame growth thresholds.

A company grows from 35 to 80 employees in 5 years – and becomes the market leader in its core business. You can read how it did it here. The third part of our series on successful company growth. In our last articles, we described typical company growth cycles and gave you tips on how […]