Recruiting: How unconscious biases influence our decisions

Recruiting and unconcious bias – How unconscious prejudices influence our decisions Imagine you are looking for employees for a management position. You have a pile of applications in front of you. They have applicants, some with German names, some with Turkish names and some with African-sounding names. What is going on inside you? “Nothing” you […]

Recruiting is going digital – impact on the future of recruiters

The digitalization of the recruiting What impact will it have on the future of recruiters? Digitalization is advancing in leaps and bounds. We already know today that many professions will no longer exist in a few years’ time. Employees are worried about their professional future – but what about the people who hire the employees, […]

The future of work – Part 3/3: The labor market of the future

The future of work Part 3/3 The labor market of the future Demographic change. In the first part of our series The future of work, we described the basics of demographic change in more detail. We remember: In 10 years at the latest, there will be at least 3 million too few employees. For companies […]