The Graves value system: what is really important to people
What are value systems? What do you need them for? What is the Graves Value System GVS?
The Spiral Dynamics value model: What really matters to people 2/2
The Spiral Dynamics value model GVS:
What is important to people? What is the Spiral Dynamics value model? What values are there? What are value memes and which ones are there?
What makes “life balance” so difficult – and how you can achieve it
What makes “life balance” so difficult – and how you can still achieve it We all want to achieve life balance and lead a fulfilled life – a life that includes success and enjoyment at work as well as a happy private life. But what sounds so simple is unfortunately not easy to put into […]
Recruiting: How unconscious biases influence our decisions
Recruiting and unconcious bias – How unconscious prejudices influence our decisions Imagine you are looking for employees for a management position. You have a pile of applications in front of you. They have applicants, some with German names, some with Turkish names and some with African-sounding names. What is going on inside you? “Nothing” you […]
35 Conflict resolution strategies – How to get out when a conflict escalates
We always like to have good conflict resolution strategies at the ready, because a solution to a conflict sometimes seems unattainable. Conflicts often escalate and destructive communication patterns leave scorched earth in their wake. We show you how to get out of a drama dynamic and even better: how best not to get involved in […]
The drama triangle: How to escalate a conflict
The drama triangle and its destructive dynamics Conflicts usually escalate according to the same embroidery pattern: the drama triangle. What happens then – and how you can prevent it – is shown in this and the next article on the subject of conflict management. Who doesn’t know that? A conflict escalates into a drama: The […]