Our offer

Shaping culture together – Your transformation, our mission!

Welcome to berliner team - your partner for corporate culture and transformation

Transformation is our passion.
We are the architects
of your change and progress that you on the way to a sustainable and attractive corporate culture. accompany you. With you together we design solutionsthat ensure your success in a world of change.

We at the berlin team understand the unique challenges that modern businesses face.
Our customized offerings are designed to promote sustainable change and enable real transformation.
Dive with us
enter into a world of transformation and discover our diverse range.

Ein Geschäftsmann erklärt seinem Kollegen etwas auf einem Tablet in einer Produktionsstätte.

Unternehmenskultur gestalten

Ein attraktives Miteinander schaffen 

Entdecke die gemeinsam gelebte Kultur als Erfolgsfaktor in einer Welt des Wandels, indem sie Euch Orientierung und eine gemeinsame Ausrichtung bietet.  

Leitbild entwickeln, Werte leben, Erfolg steigern

Erfahre, wie wertebasiertes Handeln die Unternehmenskultur stärkt, Mitarbeiter motiviert und nachhaltigen Erfolg sichert. Mit der ValueParty des berliner teams.

Flexibel bleiben in dynamischen Zeiten

Agilität ist kein Modewort, sondern eine Notwendigkeit. Wir unterstützen Dich dabei, eine Organisation zu schaffen, die innovativ und nah am Kunden agiert..


Veränderung gestalten und Menschen mitnehmen

Wir begleiten Dein Unternehmen durch den Wandel, minimieren Widerstände und stärken die Akzeptanz, um die Weichen für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft zu stellen.

Resilienz und Stressmanagement

Widerstandsfähigkeit für Dich und Deine Organisation

Baue mit uns Resilienz auf Unternehmens- und Teamebene auf, um Krisen nicht nur zu bewältigen, sondern gestärkt daraus hervorzugehen.

Gute Führung und Potenzialdiagnostik

In Führung investieren, denn der Fisch stinkt vom Kopf

Wir helfen dabei, Führungskräfte im Unternehmen zu entwickeln, die zeitgemäß und motivierend den Weg für außergewöhnliche Leistungen ebnen.

Individual solutions

Tailor-made support for your team Our advice is specifically tailored to the needs of your company to help you achieve your goals and overcome challenges together.

How we approach it - your path to success

At berliner team, we know that every change is as unique as the company undergoing it.
You can rely on this approach when you work with us.

In-depth understanding

Going diving together

Your business situation is unique, and we take the time to understand it thoroughly at the outset before discussing the right approach with you.
Through in-depth conversations with you and your team, we immerse ourselves in the world of your business.
We listen, learn and grasp the subtleties that are crucial to your success.

Iterative approach

Planning at sight

Change is a continuous process.
We do not believe in multi-year plans and we do not believe that we already know what we will be doing for you this time next year.
Every change has an effect that we can only guess at beforehand.
Only when the step has been taken do we see what’s next.
That’s why we believe in an iterative approach in which we act flexibly and step by step.
This allows us to react to changes together and ensure that the strategy is always adapted to your current needs.

Collaborative partnership

Stronger together

You are an expert in your business. We are experts in transformation. By combining our strengths, we create a collaborative partnership based on trust, respect and openness. We work side by side with you to develop solutions that really make a difference.

For transformation projects, this means that we work with you to install a transformation team in the company that cooperates closely with us, but takes over piece by piece and makes us superfluous as consultants.

Open to feedback

Your opinion counts

Feedback is the elixir of life for growth and improvement. We are always open to your thoughts, suggestions and criticism. We love plain language. This exchange enables us to continuously refine our approach and ensure that it is perfectly tailored to your needs.

We live "decency"

Integrity and respect – the foundation of our actions

For us, “decency” is more than just a formal virtue; it is the foundation of our work and our interactions. We treat every person with the highest degree of integrity and respect. This value guides us in every decision, every conversation and in the way we approach projects. We strive to act honestly, transparently and ethically in everything we do to create an atmosphere of trust and respect in which sustainable change can flourish.