Generation x, y, z

“The art of hugging a cactus”

Who is this Generation Y?

“Generation Y, also known as millennials, comprises those born between around 1980 and 1995. This generation has grown up with the internet and social media and places great value on self-fulfilment and work-life balance. Millennials are looking for meaning in their work, value flexible working hours and rely on flat hierarchies and a collegial working environment. Values such as teamwork, transparency and sustainability are very important to them.”

At least that’s how ChatGPT sees it.
In our day-to-day work as consultants, however, the picture is somewhat more nuanced.
Regardless of whether we are talking about Generation “X”, “Y” or “Z”, generalizations and attributions often shape the picture, and the same applies to the so-called “boomer generation”.
To be successful together across generations, you need curiosity and acceptance.
Acceptance of differences in approach and curiosity when meeting people from another generation.
If you would like to read more about the different “generations”, here is the link to our blog article:
Generation Y, Generation X, Generation Z – Definition & Overview Talent Management (

Wer ist eigentlich diese Generation Y?
Warum ist das Zusammenspiel der Generationen wichtig?

Why is the interaction between the generations important?

In today’s working world, different generations come together: the baby boomers, Generation X, millennials and Generation Z. Each of these groups brings their own experiences, values and ways of working.
The interaction between these generations
we consider This is crucial in order to create a dynamic, innovative and sustainable company.
or experienced employeesnde can benefit from the digital affinity and fresh perspective of the younger generations, while younger employees can learn from the experience and knowledge of their older colleagues. Instead of thinking in terms of “either-or“, what is needed is healthy interaction, spiced up with a pinch of humor. Decause our diversity makes us strong and provides the necessary innovative strength.

Cross-generational cooperation - how can it succeed?

Successful cross-generational cooperation requires openness, respect and a willingness to learn from one another. In the company providing an environment in which different generations can meet and collaborate can be easy. Whether cross-departmental or cross-divisional projects, initiatives that appeal to all generations.
With a little creativity
many occasions.

Generationen-übergreifende Zusammenarbeit, wie kann es gelingen?
Kontaktiere uns!

Get in touch with us!

Would you like to develop the full potential of your team and promote harmonious interaction between the generations?
Then let’s work together on your corporate culture!
We at berliner team will support you with our expertise to create an appreciative and productive working atmosphere.
Get in touch with us and find out how we can support you.