
Please fasten your seatbelt: the “fast track” for sustainable, personal change

As a manager, know exactly what you are doing - and that it is a good thing

A values-based corporate culture in which every employee can see themselves reflected is the best basis for steering towards success in a world that has gone mad.

But what if the people who are supposed to “steer” are not even capable of meeting the complex new requirements?

For a long time, traditional management training was the answer.
“I give my managers the tools they need. Then it will work out.”

In our VUCA world, however, “having knowledge” is becoming less and less important.
The greater the complexity and uncertainty, the faster the speed of change, the more important it becomes for managers to have their own individual way of responding to complex challenge situations in a way that suits them and their environment.

Systemic coaching develops precisely this individual path with managers.
No matter whether for “old hands” or “first timers”.
Systemic coaching starts where the coachee is at the moment and accompanies them to the goal they have set for themselves.

Als Führungskraft genau wissen, was Du tust – und dass es gut so ist
Die “Macht” gezielter Unwissenheit

The "power" of targeted ignorance

Unlike in the role of a consultant, in the role of a coach we assume that we “know nothing”.
That all the relevant knowledge, both about the challenges and the possible solutions, lies with our clients.

This “attitude of a curious child” has the enormous advantage that clients can really get to know and explore their very own reality.
And that they develop solutions that are right for them as a person and for the environment in which they operate.

A “leadership tool” can work great in certain organizations – but be completely useless in others.
This is why the attitude of ignorance as coaches helps us to identify precisely those fields of action and gaps in knowledge that are really relevant for the manager in the current situation.
And then, in case of doubt, to specifically address these by changing roles to coach.

This process ensures that the solutions and new courses of action are really applied by the clients and that there is a direct, measurable improvement in their leadership skills.
After all, it is their very own path that they have developed themselves and have consciously decided to follow.

More applicants, fewer sick days, more productivity

Good, coherent, conscious leadership pays off.
Managers who know themselves well, are aware of their own weaknesses and know how to ensure their personal well-being in their role are better leaders.
They have a clear view of what their employees need and what the current team dynamic is like.
They neither overwork nor underwork their team members.
They manage resources well, are not afraid to take responsibility for critical issues and do not put themselves in the foreground.
They communicate well upwards and downwards and ensure a good, efficient and personally coherent team structure.

All of these effects make employees happy to come to work.
And people who enjoy coming to work are less likely to fall ill.
They tell friends and acquaintances about the great working atmosphere and the great boss.
And they are happy to put in a little extra effort in times of peak workload.
They know that their manager will make sure that they don’t get carried away.

This ensures a lower sickness rate and more applicants.
Because honest, authentic word of mouth is still the best, most cost-effective marketing there is.

Mehr Bewerber*innen, weniger Krankentage, mehr Produktivität
Was unsere Klient*innen sagen

What our clients say

Placeholder client voices