Resilience and stress management

Reduce sick leave and turn crises into strengths

Resilient teams are less ill, resilient companies are more productive

From 2022 to 2023, the number of days absent due to mental stress increased by 85%. And according to a Gallup report from 2021, 70% of employees suffer from the first symptoms of burnout. This dynamic threatens the company’s success and can lead to long-term cutbacks. 

It has been proven that these figures can be drastically reduced by specifically promoting the resilience of employees and the company. 

Our (working) world is more challenging than ever. Whether privately, professionally or socially – people have more stress, more worries and more fears. Companies are suffering from ever greater and, above all, longer periods of absence from work. A vicious circle: poorly staffed teams lead to additional workloads for those doing the work. It is more important than ever to tackle and rethink the issue of resilience. 

We are happy to help.

Ein Mann und eine Frau sitzen verzweifelt  mit den Händen vorm Gesicht vor ihren Laptops.
Eine Gruppe von Menschen mit Namensschildern stehen in einem hellen Raum und tauschen sich gegenseitig aus.

Self-effective employees, teams that look out for each other and a meaningful, self-reliant corporate culture

We work on 3 levels to increase resilience in teams.
  1. The individual level of each employee
  2. The team level
  3. The level of corporate culture as a whole

On an individual level, our forms of success are called: Training, seminars and coaching – a mixture of “understanding how I cultivate resilience” and “getting support to go my own way towards more personal resilience”.
Increasing personal resilience, also known as psychological resilience, means dealing with my own resilience-inhibiting issues on a personal level and developing the right tools and thoughts for me individually.

At team level, we provide support in group coaching and team development sessions to find common answers to the question “How can we take good care of each other and support each other in creating a healthy and meaningful working environment?”.

With our cultural transformation, we ensure that all employees feel seen with their needs and that a “we-feeling” is created.
Being able to help shape your own working environment creates a feeling of self-efficacy and therefore greater resilience.

What our customers say:

During our training, the berlin team managed to create an atmosphere in which everyone felt comfortable and safe, which made it easy to open up to the group.

An intensive preliminary discussion made it possible to adapt the training precisely to our needs.
The real-life examples gave us a good insight into the topic of resilience.
Thanks to the interactive group tasks, we were also able to learn and adopt many tactics from each other.

The trainers are really passionate about what they do.

Many thanks also from the whole team, we had a great team training!

Ein zufriedener Kunde bewertet eine Leistung mit fünf Sternen.
Eine Frau in Freizeitkleidung sitzt im Schneidersitz auf einer gemütlichen Fensterbank. Sie trinkt einen Tee und schaut auf ihr Tablet

Personal resilience means always coming back to yourself.

Personal resilience is the ability to survive difficult life situations without lasting impairment and to leave them behind.

In concrete terms, this means that resilient people always manage to “come back to themselves”, are in touch with their own personal needs, fulfill them and take care to maintain their own boundaries.

However, resilient people are not only well positioned in one area of their lives, they have usually developed many areas of self-management for themselves(see blog post),

There are many ways to increase personal resilience.

At berliner team, we focus on individual coaching sessions organized by the employer and open seminars as an opportunity for further education and training.

Resilient companies recognize risks early on, are very agile and are able to act quickly in crisis situations.

They have an open error culture, robust supply chains and transparent information flows.

Some factors that promote resilience are “hard factors” such as operational redundancies.
However, most of these are soft factors that are anchored in the corporate culture.

At the end of the day, the “magic formula” is quite simple and complex at the same time: if you offer your employees the opportunity to fully develop as a person, to be seen and encouraged to get to know themselves as individuals and to be allowed to fulfill their own needs and maintain boundaries, as well as to welcome failure, you will get healthy and happy employees who recognize risks early on and quickly find good solutions for the company in a collaborative manner.

In concrete terms, this means Cultural transformation at company level and resilience training for employees and team development with a focus on resilience for the whole team.

Zehn Menschen haben ihre Fäuste ausgestreckt und bilden in Ihrer Mitte damit einen Kreis.