
Claudia Lehmann
Is always on the move - also in the context of personnel diagnostics and development

As the daughter of a diplomat, Claudia grew up in England, Greece, Luxembourg and the USA (New York). She has intercultural competence and, not least due to her work as a trainer for a large international airline, is inspired by a pronounced service mentality. As a graduate psychologist with a focus on work and organizational psychology, systemic coach and lecturer at the FU, she has all the skills needed to support companies in the design and implementation of personnel selection procedures. She works as a trainer and moderator with a holistic approach to personnel development and trains employees in intercultural competence and stress and self-management, and managers in service excellence, communication and self-image/foreign image. In her private life, she appreciates everything that keeps body and mind in motion: Yoga, kickboxing, dancing, mountain hiking and good coffee.