Resilience – serenity in wild times

If you like this video, you may also feel the need to delve deeper into the topic of resilience. We are offering a seminar on this topic at the end of April 2024: Seminar Resilience Watch the video: In this heart-warming podcast, Susanne Grätsch and Kai Hübner take a deep dive into the topic of resilience. At a time when change and uncertainty are part of everyday life, they reveal how important it is to be resilient – not only on an individual level, but also within organizations. During their relaxed talk, they cover a variety of aspects, from personal stories to practical tips that can help anyone find and nurture their inner strength. Learn how resilience not only helps us overcome challenges, but also how it can create a deeper connection to those around us and to ourselves. Susanne and Kai share their years of experience in advising companies through change and transformation processes and provide insights into the mechanisms that characterize resilient people. They discuss how acceptance of the inevitable, a positive attitude and the ability for self-awareness form the core of resilience. Join us on this inspiring journey and discover how you can strengthen your resilience in an ever-changing world. Whether you want to develop yourself personally or navigate your organization through uncertain times, this talk offers valuable insights and practical advice for everyone.

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