

What happens to the body and mind under stress?
Why do some people stay cool and others become a nervous wreck?
+ First aid kit for stress

What makes “life balance” so difficult – and how you can achieve it

What makes “life balance” so difficult – and how you can still achieve it We all want to achieve life balance and lead a fulfilled life – a life that includes success and enjoyment at work as well as a happy private life. But what sounds so simple is unfortunately not easy to put into […]

35 Conflict resolution strategies – How to get out when a conflict escalates

We always like to have good conflict resolution strategies at the ready, because a solution to a conflict sometimes seems unattainable. Conflicts often escalate and destructive communication patterns leave scorched earth in their wake. We show you how to get out of a drama dynamic and even better: how best not to get involved in […]

The drama triangle: How to escalate a conflict

The drama triangle and its destructive dynamics Conflicts usually escalate according to the same embroidery pattern: the drama triangle. What happens then – and how you can prevent it – is shown in this and the next article on the subject of conflict management. Who doesn’t know that? A conflict escalates into a drama: The […]

The conflict spiral: How to resolve conflicts quickly

The conflict spiral: How to resolve conflicts quickly There are conflicts everywhere – whether at work or in private life. I’m sure you’re familiar with this too: a conflict often upsets you terribly, costs you time and energy – but it doesn’t bring a solution. Sometimes it even leaves scorched earth behind. Other disputes develop […]

Life balance and a fulfilled life – the pearl principle

Life Balance: How you can lead a happy, fulfilled life despite stress, time pressure and a heavy workload. a) Review your life: How did I use the time? Summer vacations and the end of the year give you the opportunity to get away from it all. After a few days of sleeping in and doing […]